HLRM for the Safety in Roads and Highways project, Argentina
HLRM for the Safety in Roads and Highways project, Argentina
Argentina launched its first High Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM) in January 2018. In the pilot phase launched in April 2018, it applied to public-private partnership (PPP) contracts under a National Highways Directorate (Dirección Nacional de Vialidad, DNV) project to develop 7,500 km of new highways and safe routes.
The 12-year road infrastructure project involved a total expenditure of USD 35 billion, with around USD 12 billion spent during the first phase alone (2015–2019). The first round of contracts were awarded in July 2018.
The Argentine HLRM is located under the Secretary for Public Ethics, Transparency, and Fight Against Corruption within the Anti-Corruption Office overseen by the President.
View full information about the application of the HLRM in Argentina and the High Level Reporting Mechanism as a tool for preventing corruption in public tenders.
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