Collective Action B20 HUB

Join forces against corruption

Bringing together businesses and other stakeholders to solve shared problems of corruption in industries worldwide

Collective Action



Explore Collective Action initiatives worldwide

Search for anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives by keyword, country or sector in this open database.


Find out about different Collective Action tools and approaches to address corruption and raise standards of governance in a sector, country or region.

High Level Reporting Mechanism

A channel to raise and quickly resolve alerts about suspected bribery or unfair business practices in public tenders

Integrity Pacts

A flexible tool to raise transparency and fairness in public procurement and reduce corruption risks


An innovative approach to due diligence through Collective Action, bringing multinational companies and local suppliers together

Human rights

Connecting anti-corruption compliance programmes with efforts to address business human rights

B20 & anti-corruption

B20-G20 dialogues on integrity and anti-corruption over the years, and how to enhance their effectiveness

Initiatives database

Helping companies, anti-corruption practitioners and researchers find information on anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives around the world.


Research, evidence and analysis of Collective Action tools and approaches by the Basel Institute and others.

Get involved

Join a global network of practitioners from the public and private sectors and civil society. All are united by one goal: to work collaboratively to address corruption and raise standards of integrity in business.


A free advice service on any aspect of anti-corruption Collective Action

Mentoring Programme

Hands-on support for organisations working with the private sector on corruption issues


See upcoming conferences and workshops on anti-corruption Collective Action

News & Blog

Latest events and announcements by the Basel Institute’s Collective Action team and partners.

Sustaining the momentum of the Siemens Integrity Initiative

09.10.2024 | Collective Action, Private Sector

Shawn Teixeira became Head of the Siemens Integrity Initiative in 2024, having worked tirelessly together with Sabine Zindera over many years in the oversight of 85 projects in over 50 countries with around USD 120 million in committed funding. Under their leadership, the Siemens Integrity Initiative has been a driving force in the growth and evolution of anti-corruption Collective Action.

Speaking at the 5th International Collective Action Conference in Basel, held with the support of Siemens,

How can Collective Action help businesses – and what are opportunities to engage?

02.10.2024 | Collective Action, Private Sector

As Chair of the Steering Committee of the Alliance for Integrity and Head of Compliance of Metro AG, Anke Struckmeier-Eickenberg has rich experience and deep insights to share with the Collective Action community.

At the 5th International Collective Action Conference in Basel, she responded to a question about how can engaging in anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives help companies to navigate complex regulation and stakeholder expectations:

How can tax authorities benefit from engaging in anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives?

25.09.2024 | Collective Action, Private Sector

By Salifu Kora, Chief Revenue Officer, Ghana Revenue Authority

Speaking at the Basel Institute’s International Collective Action Conference on 25–26 June 2024, Salifu Koray explained how the Ghana Revenue Authority was engaging in Collective Action through a World Customs Organization programme. The Anti-Corruption and Integrity Programme aims to restrict corrupt behaviour and promote good governance in customs operations and administration in Ghana and seven other countries.

In a short inter

Collective Action learning goes online!

19.09.2024 | Collective Action, Private Sector

We are proud to launch the world’s first fully interactive Collective Action eLearning course.

The new course is part of our ongoing efforts to build practical skills in using this powerful anti-corruption approach, which brings businesses together with other stakeholders to address shared corruption challenges and raise standards of integrity and fair competition.

The course puts you in the role of a young entrepreneur called Martha

How do SMEs and business associations benefit from anti-corruption Collective Action?

18.09.2024 | Collective Action, Private Sector

By Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag, Managing Director, Felicia Design and Chairwoman, Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand

An entrepreneur and vocal supporter of anti-corruption Collective Action, Norwegian-born Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag has two interesting perspectives: as a small business owner in Thailand and as Chairwoman of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce.

In this short interview on the sidelines of the Basel Institute’s International Collective Action Conference, Vibeke explained ho

Building a community of professionals dedicated to anti-corruption Collective Action

09.09.2024 | Collective Action, Private Sector

By Oscar Caipo Ricci, President of the_ Empresarios por la Integridad initiative in Peru. The initiative is a member of the Basel Institute's Mentoring Programme and recently became the national hub of Alliance for Integrity in Peru.

Speaking at the Basel Institute’s [International Collective Action Conference](

Helpdesk Knowledge Hub

The Collective Action team at the Basel Institute on Governance provides a free advice service for anti-corruption practitioners and other professionals or government officials.

What are the best funding models for a Collective Action initiative?

Many Collective Action initiatives are kick-started by donor funding, but this is not a viable option for the long term. A combination of options will give you the most resilience, and may include some donor funding, membership fees or “pay as you go” models, and fees for extra services. If trust is present, and the Collective Action has clear deliverables that the stakeholders consider relevant and attainable, finding a sustainable funding model is something you can work on together with those

How do you measure the impact of a Collective Action initiative?

Measuring and reporting the impact of your work is crucial to demonstrating its value and keeping stakeholders engaged and on track. Beyond the basic stages of developing a monitoring and evaluation plan, a few points are relevant. First, transparency is crucial, to build trust and manage the expectations of both the donor and the engaged stakeholders. Second, it’s important to collect stories and testimonials that illustrate your impact, not only statistics. Third, a Collective Action approach

Corruption in public procurement – how can Collective Action help?

Engaging all stakeholders in ensuring the integrity of public procurement processes increases their chances of success. Integrity Pacts and the High Level Reporting Mechanism are forms of Collective Action that bring governments, businesses and civil society together to improve public procurement. The first step is to map out the problems and the relevant stakeholders to engage.

Can you share examples of teaching materials that cover the role of the private sector to address corruption and also more innovative approaches such as Collective Action?

Education and capacity-building are key components in the fight against corruption. Tailoring support and being responsive to the needs of different audiences is crucial in developing effective training materials on anti-corruption.

Building capacity and raising awareness about Collective Action and the role of the private sector in the fight against corruption allows for a better and common understanding of how the public and private sector and civil society can better work together to uphold

What is the business case for anti-corruption Collective Action?

Businesses face increasing pressure, from regulators, investors and civil society to conduct business responsibly. Top level company commitment to engaging in Collective Action demonstrates to law enforcement and regulatory authorities a company’s serious commitment to improving not only their internal anti-corruption programs but also making a difference in the wider business environment.

What are the benefits for Small and Medium-sized companies to engage in Collective Action?

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) make up the vast majority of businesses in any given economy, in the European Union for example, SMEs represent 99% of all businesses . SMEs are pivotal for economic growth and development. However, they are also more prone to corruption risks given their size and resource limitations to implement integrity and compliance programmes. On the flip side, the lack of implemented standards can hamper their capacity to access funding and participate in interna