
Center of Excellence for Strengthening Transparency and Ethics in Business: Scaling Up the Collective Action agenda in India

Global Compact Network India

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Center of Excellence for Strengthening Transparency and Ethics in Business: Scaling Up the Collective Action agenda in India

The Indian business community practices a multitude of anticorruption initiatives in silos. The Center encourages a shared focus among the business stakeholders in India and provide a platform for greater coordination, thereby increasing the reach and impact of business initiatives.

Essentially, the Center aims to:

  • Develop pragmatic approaches around the “ten principles” of the UNGC to challenging business decisions.
  • Provide enabling platform to businesses, policy makers, civil society, industry associations, UN agencies and academia.
  • Improve organisational decision making through a stakeholder management framework that integrates transparency and integrity.

The Center of Excellence for Business and Transparency will be developed on a collaborative model and will develop new approaches and techniques, by engaging a diverse range of stakeholders, focusing on both the supply and demand sides of corruption.

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us.