
Setting the Ground for Business Integrity in Bulgaria

Transparency International Bulgaria

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Setting the Ground for Business Integrity in Bulgaria

The project aims at encouraging the adoption of voluntary anti-corruption and compliance standards and fostering a culture of integrity in business in Bulgaria.

The initiative will target the development and promotion of high-quality sectoral integrity standards in the key sectors of Energy, Industry and Healthcare, ensure pioneers to adopt and distribute them through their supply chains, and establish a better understanding of the need for business integrity in Bulgaria.

The proposed set of activities includes a participatory approach that includes all relevant stakeholders.

  • Transparency International will develop the sectoral integrity standards and ensure their endorsement by key business associations.
  • The project will map the targeted sectors and secure buy-in from at least three businesses that possess the potential to become pioneers of successful change.
  • TI will work with them to make sure the standards are adapted to their needs, and will engage actively in the development of a model for the further promotion of the same principles and procedures through the pioneers’ supply change.
  • Finally, the project will advocate the importance of the topic towards relevant institutions and provoke a more targeted dialogue with them.

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us.