
Social Witness (Testigo Social) Integrity Pacts in Mexico – Country Overview

Appointed by the Ministry of Public Works

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Social Witness (Testigo Social) Integrity Pacts in Mexico – Country Overview

Transparencia Mexicana was one of Transparency International’s first chapters in Latin America to promote the use of Integrity Pacts starting in the late 1990s. The Mexican government developed the IP idea into a novel institution of “Social Witnesses” or testigos social in 2004.

Since 2009, Mexico requires Social Witnesses to monitor all stages of public tenders above certain thresholds. In 2015, the federal threshold levels for requiring Social Witnesses were set at approximately USD 18.6 million for goods and services and approximately USD 27.3 million for public works. The Mexican Ministry of Public Administration (Secretaría de Función Pública – SFP) appoints Social Witnesses through a tendering process with strict criteria.

Social Witnesses remain on a public roster, get certified, and are then nominated to monitor particular tender processes. At the end of a tender, the Social Witness is required to submit a written report of the observations on how a tender compliance complies to legal norms. The Social Witnesses are paid for their services.

As of 2016, SFP had registered 25 Social Witnesses for public procurement projects, comprised of six civil society organisations and 19 individuals. Since 2004, Social Witnesses have monitored hundreds of public tenders in Mexico. The Social Witness process is widely acknowledged as an effective tool for promoting transparency and integrity in public procurement, including by the OECD.

Additional information

  • Monitor: Appointed by the Ministry of Public Works
  • Language: Spanish
  • Start year: 2000
  • End year: ongoing

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us.