HLRM for the 4G Roads Project, Colombia
HLRM for the 4G Roads Project, Colombia
Colombia has led the way in adopting and expanding the concept of the High Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM). It developed the first HLRM in 2013 to ensure a smooth and fair public tender process for the national 4G roads infrastructure project.
During the 4G roads project, the HLRM was activated about a late modification to technical specifications that cut all but one bidder out of the competition. Working with the bidding companies, experts and government representatives, the HLRM resolved the issue within two weeks in a way that was acceptable to all sides.
To coordinate the HLRM, Colombia’s Secretaría de Transparencia (Transparency Secretariat) works closely with the government agencies in charge of the projects.
View full information about the application of the HLRM in Colombia and the High Level Reporting Mechanism as a tool for preventing corruption in public tenders.
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