Integrity Pacts resources
A hand-picked selection of guidelines, toolkits and research publications on Integrity Pacts as a tool for clean procurement.
Guidance and toolkits
Safeguarding EU-funded investments with Integrity Pacts: a decision-maker’s guide to collaborative public contracting
Model Monitoring Agreement and Integrity Pact for Infrastructure: An implementation guide for civil society organisations
Digging Deeper
Learning Review: Transparency International’s Integrity Pacts for Public Procurement
Working Paper 46: Incrementando el impacto de los Pactos de Integridad en la contratación pública: un análisis desde la experiencia en España
Related publications
This list appears in date order, with the most recent publications appearing first. To filter and search for a particular publication, please visit the main Basel Institute publications page. If you would like to recommend a publication for inclusion in this database, please contact a member of our team.
Guidelines, Report
Engaging the private sector in Collective Action against corruption: A practical guide for anti-corruption agencies in Africa
2023 | Basel Institute on Governance
Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption
2023 | European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
Engaging the private sector in Collective Action against corruption
2022 | Basel Institute on Governance
Integrity pacts in the EU: Suitability, set up, and implementation
2022 | Transparency International
Guidelines, Report
Safeguarding EU-funded investments with Integrity Pacts: a decision-maker’s guide to collaborative public contracting
2021 | Transparency International
Article, Commissioned study, Report
The G20’s responsiveness to B20 anti-corruption recommendations 2010–2017. Part I: Baseline report
2020 | Basel Institute on Governance
Mainstreaming Collective Action: Establishing a baseline
2020 | Basel Institute on Governance
G20 Compendium of Good Practices for Promoting Integrity and Transparency in Infrastructure Development
2019 | G20
Integrity Pacts: A Contractual Approach to Facilitate Civic Monitoring of Public Procurement
2018 | The Global Anticorruption Blog
Integrity Pacts to Prevent Corruption in Banknote Procurement
2018 | Currency News
Model Monitoring Agreement and Integrity Pact for Infrastructure: An implementation guide for civil society organisations
2018 |
Integrity Pact training: guidance for trainers
2017 | Water Integrity Network & Transparency International
The case for Integrity Pacts: Engaging civil society for better public procurement outcomes
2017 |
The Business Case for Integrity Pacts: How Civil Society Monitoring Benefits You
2017 |
Making the Case for Open Contracting in Healthcare Procurement
2017 |
Political influence in public procurement: balancing between legality and illegality
2017 | Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Countering Procurement Corruption with Integrity Pacts: The Indian Experience
2016 | The Global Anticorruption Blog
Preventing Corruption in Public Procurement
2016 |
The Case for Integrity Pacts: Engaging Civil Society for Better Public Procurement Outcomes
2016 |
Integrity Pacts: A How-To Guide from Practitioners
2016 | Transparency International
Integrity Pacts
Promoting transparency and integrity
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