Basel Institute on Governance

Annual Report 2020

Our Annual Report celebrates the achievements of our teams and partners around the world that we are most proud of in 2020. It also reveals some of the challenges we had to overcome, together. There are many of both, and a lot more stories and highlights in between.

Our various accomplishments in 2020 would not have been possible without the continuous support and efforts from our numerous partners and donors, here and abroad. This is a chance for us to thank them warmly and to demonstrate our collective impact on the fight against corruption around the world.


08/2021 (4 years ago)

Related publications

Research case study

Research Case Study 6: Sextortion – an unaddressed form of corruption and sexual abuse

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Johanna Schönberg

Research case study

Research Case Study 5: Harnessing behavioural approaches against corruption

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Claudia Baez Camargo, Saba Kassa
informal networkssocial normsbehavioural researchanti-corruption messaging


Translating political economy insights into conservation practice: a six-step guide

2023 | Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC) project

Micol Martini, Saba Kassa

Research case study

Research case study 4: Deconstructing a criminal network involved in illegal wildlife trade between East Africa and Southeast Asia

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Jacopo Costa
social network analysisnetwork ethnographyillegal wildlife tradeinformal governanceEast AfricaSoutheast Asia


Organisational forms of corruption networks: the Odebrecht-Toledo case

2023 |

David Jancsics, Jacopo Costa
social network analysismoney launderingorganised crimecriminal networks

Working paper

Working Paper 47: Conflict of interest legislation in Brazil, South Korea and the European Union: International case studies

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Jacopo Costa
conflicts of interest

Working paper

Working Paper 45: Strategic anti-corruption communications – Guidance for behaviour change interventions

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Claudia Baez Camargo, Johanna Schönberg
behaviour changeanti-corruption interventionsanti-corruption messaging

Research case study

Research Case Study 3: Exposing the networks behind transnational corruption and money laundering schemes

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Jacopo Costa
social network analysisnetwork ethnographyinformal governancecorruption researchmoney launderingoffshore structuressecrecy jurisdictions

Research case study

Research case study 2: Leveraging informal networks for anti-corruption in East Africa

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Claudia Baez Camargo, Saba Kassa, Jacopo Costa
informal networksinformal governancesocial normsbehavioural research

Research case study

Research case study 1: Targeting corrupt behaviours in a Tanzanian hospital: A social norms approach

2023 | Basel Institute on Governance

Claudia Baez Camargo

How political economy analysis can support corruption risk assessments to strengthen law enforcement against wildlife crimes

2022 | Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC) project

Saba Kassa, Jacopo Costa, Cosimo Stahl, Claudia Baez Camargo

Commissioned study, Report

Behavioural insights and anti-corruption: Executive summary of a practitioner-tailored review of the latest evidence (2016–2022)

2022 | Basel Institute on Governance

Cosimo Stahl
anti-corruptionsocial normsbehaviour changerealist synthesisbehavioural insights

Commissioned study, Report

Using behavioural insights to reduce gift giving in a Tanzanian public hospital: Findings from a mixed-methods evaluation

2022 | Basel Institute on Governance

Claudia Baez Camargo, Violette Gadenne, Veronica Mkoji, Dilhan Perera, Ruth Persian, Richard Sambaiga, Tobias Stark
anti-corruptionhealth carebehavioural approaches

Commissioned study, Report

Adopting a peer-led approach to disseminate anti-corruption messages: Results of the network survey

2022 | Basel Institute on Governance

Tobias Stark
social network analysisbehavioural insights


Using behavioural insights to reduce gift-giving in a Tanzanian public hospital Findings from a mixed-methods evaluation

2022 |

Claudia Baez Camargo, Violette Gadenne, Veronica Mkoji, Dilhan Perera, Ruth Persian, Richard Sambaiga, Tobias Stark
behavioural insights


Informal networks as investment: A qualitative analysis from Uganda and Tanzania

2022 | Governance (Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the IPSA Structure and Organization of Government Committee)

Claudia Baez Camargo, Jacopo Costa, Lucy Koechlin
informal networksinformal governanceanti-corruptionsocial normsbehavioural research

Working paper

Working Paper 40: Developing anti-corruption interventions addressing social norms: Lessons from a field pilot in Tanzania

2022 | Basel Institute on Governance

Claudia Baez Camargo
social normsbehavioural insights

Article, Commissioned study

Working Paper 39: Behavioural drivers of corruption facilitating illegal wildlife trade – Problem analysis and state of the field review

2022 | Basel Institute on Governance; TRAFFIC

Claudia Baez Camargo, Gayle Burgess
natural resource managementillegal wildlife tradesocial normsbehavioural insights

Policy brief

Policy Brief 9: Informal networks and what they mean for anti-corruption practice

2022 | Basel Institute on Governance

Claudia Baez Camargo, Jacopo Costa, Saba Kassa
informal networksanti-corruptionanti-corruption evidenceEast AfricaCollective Actioncorruptioninformal governance

Quick guide

Quick Guide 23: Informal networks and anti-corruption

2022 | Basel Institute on Governance

Jacopo Costa, Claudia Baez Camargo, Saba Kassa, Cosimo Stahl
informal governanceinformal networkssocial network analysissocial normsbehavioural insights