Collective Action Conference 2018

Evolution to Revolution

The Basel Institute on Governance held its third biannual Anti-Corruption Collective Action Conference on 14-15 November 2018 in Basel, Switzerland. The theme was "Evolution to Revolution".

Over 200 participants from 40 countries across five continents were present, including representatives from 95 businesses of all shapes and sizes, government and public sector officials, key members of international organisations and financial institutions, lawyers and law enforcement experts, academics and civil society activists.

All came together to share their wide-ranging experience in using Collective Action to tackle corruption and prevent bribery.

The 2018 conference reviewed the evolution of the concept of multi-stakeholder approaches to tackling corruption. It also looked to the future with a view to establishing Collective Action as a go-to anti-corruption tool for companies who want to engage with others in revolutionary ways to stop bribery.

In doing so, the conference built on the previous two events, which looked at success factors of Collective Action and explored the different Collective Action formulas employed so far.

Conference Report

Download the Conference Highlights Report


Download the conference agenda

Integrity Initiative Report

Siemens Integrity Initiative Annual Report - Collective Action Conference feature

Collective Action - the basics. What is Collective Action and what is its value in combating corruption?

What exactly is Collective Action? How can Collective Action combat corruption? Find out in the first of this 5-part series of insights featuring some of the world's leading Collective Action experts.

Collective Action and clean markets. What benefits can Collective Action Initiatives bring to markets and society?

How can Collective Action Initiatives help to clean up markets and improve the business environment for everyone? How does Collective Action support sustainable development worldwide? Watch this second video in a 5-part series on anti-corruption Collective Action to find out.

Collective Action and stakeholder engagement. Who is involved in anti-corruption Collective Action and why?

What motivates people to join Collective Action initiatives against corruption? What type of people and organisations are involved? This short video explains.

Collective Action approaches and success strategies.

What is the best way to join or set up a Collective Action Initiative against corruption? Learn some tips and strategies from expert Collective Action practitioners.

Collective Action and the revolution. What is the future of Collective Action?

Will Collective Action become a global norm in the fight against corruption? What are the big trends in anti-corruption initiatives? Leading academics, lawyers and NGO representatives offer their visions of the future of Collective Action against corruption.

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