Collective Action
News & Blog
Latest developments and insights from the Basel Institute's Collective Action team and partners

Making financial crime risk management work for all: Insights from the Wolfsberg Group
J. Edward “Ned” Conway became Executive Secretary of the Wolfsberg Group on 1 November 2024, succeeding Alan Ketley. With its 12 member banks, the Wolfsberg Group is a globally respected source of expertise on financial crime risk management, setting industry standards and building bridges between financial institutions and other stakeholders. The Basel Institute serves as Secretariat to the Group, which is now in its 25th year.
In this Q&A, Ned challenges us to
International Collective Action Awards 2025: nominations open now
Nominations are now open for the International Anti-Corruption Collective Action Awards 2025.
With the Collective Action Awards, we celebrate outstanding achievements by multi-stakeholder initiatives in tackling corruption and raising standards of business integrity – and hopefully inspire the development of new Collective Action initiatives.
Organisations and initiatives can submit their nomination for one of two award categories:
- Out
Corporate disclosure on anti-corruption and ESG: three innovative approaches
Twenty-five years after the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention came into force, companies are facing an increasingly complex regulatory landscape, not only on anti-corruption but also sustainability.
In this blog, Vanessa Hans sheds light on recent corporate disclosure regulations and how companies can better meet stakeholders’ reporting expectations.
ESG regulations tighten: time to break down siloes
Most countries have had la
How targeting maritime corruption can save and generate millions annually
An interview with Martin Benderson by Nicolas Hocq.
Maritime corruption poses significant challenges to global trade, inflating costs, delaying operations and undermining integrity in supply chains. The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), a leading international Collective Action initiative, has been at the forefront of addressing these issues through collaboration with governments, businesses and civil society.
In this exclusive interview, Martin Benderson, Chief Pa
B20 Brazil rings in a new era for Collective Action
We are thrilled that anti-corruption Collective Action has received fresh impetus under the Brazilian presidency of the B20 – the voice of business of the G20 intergovernmental forum. This reflects a shift in mindset among global business leaders, towards recognising the power and necessity of multi-stakeholder collaboration for anti-corruption and integrity.
Fostering Collective Action initiatives is one of three [policy recommendations of the B20 Integrity and Compliance Task Force](https://b
Sustaining the momentum of the Siemens Integrity Initiative
Shawn Teixeira became Head of the Siemens Integrity Initiative in 2024, having worked tirelessly together with Sabine Zindera over many years in the oversight of 85 projects in over 50 countries with around USD 120 million in committed funding. Under their leadership, the Siemens Integrity Initiative has been a driving force in the growth and evolution of anti-corruption Collective Action.
Speaking at the 5th International Collective Action Conference in Basel, held with the support of Siemens,
How can Collective Action help businesses – and what are opportunities to engage?
As Chair of the Steering Committee of the Alliance for Integrity and Head of Compliance of Metro AG, Anke Struckmeier-Eickenberg has rich experience and deep insights to share with the Collective Action community.
At the 5th International Collective Action Conference in Basel, she responded to a question about how can engaging in anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives help companies to navigate complex regulation and stakeholder expectations:
How can tax authorities benefit from engaging in anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives?
By Salifu Kora, Chief Revenue Officer, Ghana Revenue Authority
Speaking at the Basel Institute’s International Collective Action Conference on 25–26 June 2024, Salifu Koray explained how the Ghana Revenue Authority was engaging in Collective Action through a World Customs Organization programme. The Anti-Corruption and Integrity Programme aims to restrict corrupt behaviour and promote good governance in customs operations and administration in Ghana and seven other countries.
In a short inter
Collective Action learning goes online!
We are proud to launch the world’s first fully interactive Collective Action eLearning course.
The new course is part of our ongoing efforts to build practical skills in using this powerful anti-corruption approach, which brings businesses together with other stakeholders to address shared corruption challenges and raise standards of integrity and fair competition.
The course puts you in the role of a young entrepreneur called Martha
How do SMEs and business associations benefit from anti-corruption Collective Action?
By Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag, Managing Director, Felicia Design and Chairwoman, Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand
An entrepreneur and vocal supporter of anti-corruption Collective Action, Norwegian-born Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag has two interesting perspectives: as a small business owner in Thailand and as Chairwoman of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce.
In this short interview on the sidelines of the Basel Institute’s International Collective Action Conference, Vibeke explained ho
Building a community of professionals dedicated to anti-corruption Collective Action
By Oscar Caipo Ricci, President of the_ Empresarios por la Integridad initiative in Peru. The initiative is a member of the Basel Institute's Mentoring Programme and recently became the national hub of Alliance for Integrity in Peru.
Speaking at the Basel Institute’s [International Collective Action Conference](
Why should development banks engage in anti-corruption and Collective Action initiatives?
By Lisa Miller, Head of Integrity Compliance, World Bank Group.
Speaking at the Basel Institute’s International Collective Action Conference on 25–26 June 2024, Lisa Miller explained why preventing fraud and corruption is essential for development banks like the World Bank Group to achieve their missions – and how engaging in Collective Action with other stakeholders can help.
Multi-stakeholder Collective Action is a strategic priority, say anti-corruption leaders
We are delighted that anti-corruption Collective Action with the private sector, government and civil society is included as a strategic priority in the Joint Communiqué of the 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) High-Level Segment in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The High-Level Segment of the 21st IACC convened on 19 June 2024 under the theme "Confronting Global Threats: Standing up
Unpicking the EU directives on corporate responsibility and sustainability
An interview with Nicola Bonucci by Lucie Binder, with input from Mirella Mahlstein and Anna Stransky.
Our Collective Action Helpdesk has received several queries about the European Union (EU)’s introduction of two similarly named pieces of legislation: the [Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive](
The mobilising power of Collective Action: Peter Maurer on new forms of engagement for global solutions
The Basel Institute’s President Peter Maurer opened the 5th International Collective Action Conference on 24 June 2024 with an inspiring keynote speech about global challenges related to corruption and the role of Collective Action in addressing them.
Setting out the current state of affairs, Peter Maurer highlighted disruption, instability and deep transformation of relations between states, international organisations and non-stat
Gemma Aiolfi: Tribute to Gretta Fenner at the 5th International Collective Action Conference
Gemma Aiolfi led the Basel Institute’s Compliance and Collective Action work for many years, working closely with our late Managing Director Gretta Fenner as well as our former President Mark Pieth to transform private-sector engagement in the fight against corruption.
At the 5th International Collective Action Conference on 24 June 2024, Gemma spoke of Gretta’s passion and efforts over the yea
Announcing the winners of 2024 Anti-Corruption Collective Action Awards
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Anti-Corruption Collective Action Awards, presented by the Basel Institute on Governance with the support of the Siemens Integrity Initiative.
The awards were presented on 25 June 2024, at the end of the first day of the International Collective Action Conference 2024 in Basel, Switzerland.
Gretta Fenner Outstanding Achievement Awar
What do businesses in Bulgaria say about safeguarding procurement from corruption?
Public procurement is a notorious risk area for corruption and other unfair business practices all over the world – including in Bulgaria, where diverse stakeholders are now coming together to find a practical solution to corruption risks in public tenders that works for all parties.
One solution they are discussing is a High-Level Reporting Mechanism. In essence, this is a channel to raise and quickly resolve alerts about suspected bribery or unfai
Collective Action Awards: vote now!
Public voting has opened for this year’s prestigious Collective Action Awards.
Launched in 2022, the Collective Action Awards celebrate inspiring and outstanding multi-stakeholder initiatives to raise standards of business integrity in a particular context. Two award categories are available: “Outstanding Achievement” and “Inspirational Newcomer”.
Following the public vote, this year's awards will be presented at the [5th International Colle
Paris, Vilnius, Basel: Business integrity goes on tour
Paris is known as the city of love. But once a year, during the OECD Global Anti-Corruption Forum (GACIF), it also becomes the beating heart of integrity – at least for the anti-corruption community.
Under the theme “Designing our future with integrity”, this year’s Forum brought together anti-corruption experts from business, government and civil society from around the world to explore trends in the fight for integrity and against corruption.
Amid the
Sticks and carrots: New UN Resolution calls on governments to provide incentives for companies to implement anti-corruption measures
Business integrity was among the priority topics at the 10th session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in December 2023. For the first time ever, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) together with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) hosted a Private Sector Forum in the margins of CoSP10.
Serving as a partner of the Forum, the Basel Institute welcomes the UN’s efforts to bring businesses to the table on
Anti-Corruption Collective Action Awards: nominations open
Nominations are now open for the International Collective Action Awards 2024.
Launched in 2022, the prestigious Collective Action Awards celebrate inspiring and outstanding multi-stakeholder initiatives to raise standards of business integrity in a particular context. Two award categories are available:
- Outstanding Achievement in Collective Action 2024: Organisations and initiatives that have made significant contributions towards fairer
FCPA Blog: Strong leadership breathes new life into B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force
This blog was originally published on the FCPA Blog, which was discontinued in February 2024.
2023 was a mixed bag for the business integrity community. On the one hand, the B20 – the voice of business of the G20 forum of major economies – had no Integrity & Compliance Task Force under the Indian Presidency. That was a major missed opportunity for all of us who care about raising standards of business integrity around the world.
The B20 Integrity & Compliance [Task Force](https://collective-

La lucha contra la corrupción en América Latina: ¿Puede la Acción Colectiva ayudar a cerrar las brechas?
A medida que ampliamos nuestros esfuerzos para apoyar la Acción Colectiva contra la corrupción en América Latina, Andrea Prieto, especialista en el sector privado, hace un balance de las iniciativas existentes en la región. Ella y representantes de algunas de las iniciativas discutieron el enfoque de Acción Colectiva para combatir la corrupción en Lima, Perú, en la Octava Semana de la Integridad _or
Fighting corruption in Latin America: Can Collective Action help close the gaps?
As we expand our efforts to support Collective Action against corruption in Latin America, Private Sector Specialist Andrea Prieto takes stock of existing initiatives in the region. She and representatives from some of the initiatives discussed the Collective Action approach to fighting corruption in Lima, Peru at the Eighth Integrity Week organised by Alliance for Integrity.
También disponible
Rabat Declaration highlights private-sector engagement in preventing corruption
We are pleased to see States embracing the business community in corruption prevention activities in Africa. At a recent anti-corruption conference in Rabat, a new declaration emphasised the importance of the "involvement of all stakeholders, with a shared vision and an action based on collective mobilisation…”. This language underlies the Collective Action approach that we at the Basel Institute have long promoted to increase standards of integrity and fair bus
Southern Africa’s fight against corruption needs Collective Action
A high-level meeting of heads of anti-corruption agencies in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) last month was a chance to take stock of member countries’ efforts to tackle corruption.
The meeting allowed for a reflection on many ongoing activities and discussions around Collective Action in the region this year. It was the perfect opportunity to reflect on how to galvanise joint efforts aga

360-degree support for Collective Action against corruption in Bulgaria – what’s next?
“Fighting corruption has to be a collective effort. No single stakeholder can do it alone. Government cannot do it alone, or the public administration. If only citizens are left to fight corruption, they will struggle. And the private sector likewise.” – Gretta Fenner, Managing Director, Basel Institute on Governance
Effectively combating pervasive corruption in Bulgaria requires sustained, collective efforts by the government, the business sector, civil society and individual citizens. And t
Asia-Pacific Forum: Collective Action key to driving business integrity
Asia and the Pacific are expected to contribute to around 70 percent of global growth in 2023 – but sustaining this economic development in the face of environmental and social challenges will be tough. Business integrity, transparency and collaboration are key.
That is why we applaud the numerous initiatives that have blossomed throughout the region, bringing together sta
High-level forum: Strengthening transparency and governance through Collective Action in Bulgaria
A high-level forum in the Bulgarian capital Sofia on 10 October 2023 will focus on Bulgaria’s efforts to strengthen integrity, transparency, accountability and open government through Collective Action and the active participation of the business sector.
The in-person event (with live streaming) is aimed primarily at government agencies contributing to the anti-corruption agenda, as well as private-sector participants including business and industry associations. Civil society organisations and
Intégrité des affaires en Afrique de l'Ouest : de nouvelles opportunités pour l’Action Collective
Dernièrement, l'Afrique de l'Ouest a connu une forte croissance économique et des investissements directs étrangers. Pourtant, elle perd aussi des milliards de dollars en flux financiers illicites, dont la corruption est une composante majeure. L'éradication de la corruption est essentielle pour attirer les investisseurs et favoriser le développement durable.
C'est pourquoi l'Action Collective pour la lutte contre
Business integrity in West Africa: New opportunities for Collective Action
West Africa is experiencing a surge of economic growth and foreign direct investment. Yet it also loses billions of dollars in illicit financial flows, of which corruption is a major component. Rooting out corruption is essential to attract investors and foster sustainable development.
This is why anti-corruption Collective Action – jointly tackling corruption issues through multi-stakeholder initiatives with the
Collective Action Award for Asia-Pacific – nominations now open
Nominations are now open for the Asia-Pacific Collective Action Award 2023.
Launched in 2022, the Collective Action Awards celebrate inspiring and outstanding multi-stakeholder initiatives to raise standards of business integrity in a particular context.
This is our second regional Collective Action Award this year. In early June, CoST Uganda – the Ugandan arm of the global Infrastructure Transparency Initiative – won our [Southern Africa Co
Updated OECD Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct encourage anti-corruption Collective Action
“Collective action and meaningful engagement with local and international civil society organisations, business, professional associations, and international organisations also may help enterprises to better design and implement effective enterprise anti-corruption policies and mitigate corruption risks one enterprise cannot mitigate individually.”
"Both home and host governments should [...] consider fostering collective action initiatives with private and public sector representatives
Wolfsberg Group on the rise: new anti-corruption guidance and website
The Wolfsberg Group’s recent updates to its renowned Anti-Bribery and Corruption Programme Guidance for financial institutions has made quite some waves.
In part, the interest is due to the practical value of the Guidance for financial institutions seeking to comply with anti-corruption legislation and mitigate risks of bribery and corruption throughout their operations. It is also due to
Community of practice emerges from Southern Africa Anti-Corruption Collective Action Forum
Across Southern Africa, leaders from the business community, civil society and government are coming together to strengthen business integrity and thus catalyse the region's huge economic potential.
That groundswell of multi-stakeholder action – anti-corruption Collective Action – was on display on 31 May at the Southern Africa Anti-Corruption Collective Action Forum. The Forum mark
Fostering anti-corruption in Asia–Pacific through Collective Action
Business integrity is vital to the health of the vibrant economies of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as of the companies based or seeking to do business in the region. Fostering trust and transparency through Collective Action between stakeholders – local businesses, foreign investors, governments, civil society – is key to advancing a strong culture of business integrity, levelling the playing field and solving practical challenges that hold back fair busines
Evolutions in anti-corruption compliance: hope for the future
Gemma Aiolfi is an international expert in anti-corruption compliance and a driving force behind the development of private sector-led Collective Action. Gemma helped to establish the Basel Institute on Governance in 2003 alongside Professor Mark Pieth. She served as the organisation's Head of Compliance, Corporate Governance and Collective Action from July 2013 until October 2022, when she transitioned to the role of Senior Advisor.
Business integrity programmes: Multilateral Development Banks harmonise their guidance
Business entities wishing to implement projects funded by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs, also referred to as International Financial Institutions) will be interested to know that six major MDBs have agreed and published new General Principles for Business Integrity Programmes. Such programmes play an important part in the MDBs’ efforts to fight fraud and corruption in the projects they finance or otherwise support.
_These General Principles provide non-exhaustive, non-binding guidance
Partnering against money laundering and corruption in South Africa and the subregion
What is the role of business in reducing illicit financial flows in the Southern Africa subregion? How is it evolving? What can businesses do to address corruption and money laundering risks in order to boost market growth and development and to strengthen governance systems?
To explore these questions, the Basel Institute on Governance together with the National Business Initiative (NBI), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and Covington organised a multi-stakeholder Thought
A data-driven strategy for anti-corruption Collective Action: Lessons from Nigeria
In last week’s interview on how Collective Action has cut corruption in Nigerian ports, Cecilia Müller Torbrand of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network and Soji Apampa of the Convention on Business Integrity explained their data-driven approach and the measurable impact it has had.
In the second part of the interview, Cecilia and Soji _offer lessons for anti-corruption practitioners
Collective Action Award for Southern Africa – nominations now open
Nominations are now open for the Anti-Corruption Collective Action Award 2023, which this year focuses on Southern Africa.
Launched last year, the Collective Action Awards celebrate inspiring and outstanding Collective Action initiatives to tackle corruption and raise standards of business integrity.
Last year's winners were the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network and UN Glob
Cutting corruption in Nigerian ports: data, impact and Collective Action
The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) delivers leading examples of Collective Action against corruption around the world and Nigeria is one of its flagship success stories. In _collaboration with the Convention on Business Integrity (CBi), the initiative has kept seafarers calling at Nigerian ports safe from corrupt demands since 2019. Their installation of the world’s first real-time incident reporting tool and connected HelpDesk has significantly reduced corrupt demands and earned them
Presenting the OECD Toolkit for raising awareness and preventing corruption in SMEs
In this guest blog, France Chain and Vitor Geromel of the OECD Anti-Corruption Division present the new OECD Toolkit for raising awareness and preventing corruption in SMEs.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of many countries’ economies. They represent 99 percent of all businesses in the OECD area, generating about 60 percent of employment and totalling
European Commission’s new anti-corruption handbook endorses Collective Action
The European Commission has issued a strong endorsement of anti-corruption Collective Action as a “best practice” in the fight against corruption.
Its Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption explains how Collective Action can bring together “stakeholders in the private and public sectors, civil society, and international organisations to tackle shared problems of corrupt
Collective Action mentoring and peer learning to scale up in 2023
The future is looking bright for Collective Action as our community and Collective Action Mentoring Programme continue to grow. The programme provides free hands-on support for organisations working with the private sector on corruption issues. Programme leaders Scarlet Wannenwetsch and Liza Young look back on the first year and reflect on what we – not just our mentees! – have learned.
We look back on a successful year
How Brazilian agribusinesses are working to root out corruption through Collective Action
_Brazil’s huge agricultural sector is no stranger to corruption scandals – but now a group of agribusinesses are working together with government and civil society to raise standards of integrity and prevent corruption from damaging their business opportunities and reputation. This guest blog by Ana Aranha and Jacqueline Oliveira, Anti-Corruption Manager and Anti-Corruption Coordinator at the UN Global Compact Network Brazil, explains how Collective Action is helping the group to collaborate on
Basel Institute to support B20 India as Network and Knowledge Partner
The Basel Institute on Governance is delighted to have been selected by the B20 India as a Network and Knowledge Partner.
For the 12th consecutive year, the Basel Institute on Governance will bring its expertise in Collective Action, integrity and anti-corruption compliance to support the B20 process in shaping an impactful and business-oriented response.
This year, in view of the growing significance for the private sector to adhere to Environment, Social and
ESG reporting: New EU legislation and the case for Collective Action
Finding effective ways to achieve environmental, social, and governance (ESG) business goals has just become a lot more critical for companies in the EU.
On 29 November 2022, the EU Council adopted the European Parliament’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This amends the Non-Financial Reporting Directive and requires EU companies, and other companies who have substantial business activity in the EU, to c
B20 Indonesia Summit: Recover together, recover stronger, and address corruption through Collective Action
At the B20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia on 12–13 November, political and business leaders repeatedly emphasised the imperative for all sectors of society to work together to address problems that affect us all. Chief among those problems are corruption and unfair business practices, which stand in the way of achieving a strong pandemic recovery and each and every of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Our call for B20 companies and G20 governments to foster, facilitate and engage in anti-corr
Collective Action in West African coastal states: fighting corruption for sustainable and equitable development
This blog by Liza Young, Project Associate for Collective Action in the Basel Institute’s Private Sector team, draws on her newly published Policy Brief in English and French on how anti-corruption Collective Action can help West African coastal states achieve their development potential.
Africa is estimated to [lose an unbelievable USD 88.6 billion](
Basel Institute at the International Anti-Corruption Conference 2022
A delegation from the Basel Institute will attend the International Anti-Corruption Conference (#IACC2022) in Washington DC on 6–10 December 2022.
We will be distributing some of our recent publications and are looking forward to meeting our friends, partners and hopefully future partners in anti-corruption.
Please see this summary of plenary sessions and panels we are leading or involved in, plus details of how to meet us there.
Collective Action set up for success: practical insights on enhancing business integrity through multi-stakeholder collaboration
The rapid expansion of anti-corruption Collective Action is offering businesses, governments and civil society groups powerful ways to enhance business integrity and create fair business conditions. What does Collective Action look like in practice? What benefits does it bring, what is success, and how do you measure it? And what should we expect from each other in these multi-stakeholder initiatives?
A Basel Institute webinar on 19 October 2022 brought together four leading speakers in Collect
Improving B20–G20 engagement – insights from the Indonesian B20–G20 dialogue on Integrity and Compliance
The B20-G20 dialogue has the potential to transform the way that both the B20 and G20 work towards a more streamlined and impactful process. But what does it take? And how do we get there?
Insights from Scarlet Wannenwetsch, who serves as Deputy Co-Chair of the B20 Indonesia Integrity and Compliance Taskforce. The Basel Institute on Governance has been honoured to support this year’s Taskforce as both [Co-Chair and Network Partner](
For the sake of sustainability, clear out corruption – here's how accountants can play a role
Economic crimes are significant obstacles to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and professional accountants can play a pivotal role to clear a path. This guest blog by Kevin Dancey, CEO of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), marks the launch of IFAC’s new Action Plan for Fighting Corruption and Economic Crime.
In 2015 all United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a shared blu
Why sustainability needs Collective Action – an emerging success story in natural rubber supply chains
A guest interview with Bani Bains, Communications Manager at the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), for the B20 Collective Action Hub.
What does your initiative seek to achieve, and how?
At the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber, of which the Basel Institute on Governance is an NGO member, stakeholders representing all parts of the natural rubber industry come together to find
Opening Extractives: how beneficial ownership transparency in extractive sectors helps curb corruption
Publishing information on the real owners of companies, also known as beneficial owners, can help governments curb corruption and support a more transparent environment for business. A session at the 4th International Collective Action Conference in Basel discussed how the new ‘Opening Extractives_’ programme seeks to create new momentum for beneficial ownership transparency in a sector tha
Collective Action Conference and Awards: multi-stakeholder approaches to corruption enter the mainstream
Over 200 leading anti-corruption professionals from the public and private sectors, civil society and academia came together at the 4th International Collective Action Conference on 30 June and 1 July 2022.
Their goal: to reach across silos and add momentum to the growing global recognition that Collective Action needs to be a central element of corruption prevention.
The Basel Institute on Governance hosted the conference with t
New guidance for governments to engage business in preventing corruption
Companies and business associations play an important role in preventing and reducing corruption in the markets where they operate – something that governments also want to achieve.
So how can governments and the private sector work together better to raise standards of integrity and fair business in specific countries and industries?
To answer this, our Collective Action team has worked with the people on the front lines of governments’ corruption prevent efforts – anti-corruption authoriti
New website for anti-corruption Collective Action learning and inspiration is the new website of the B20 Collective Action Hub, a free resource centre on tools and strategies to prevent corruption and raise standards of business integrity through Collective Action.
Since its establishment nearly 10 years ago, the B20 Collective Action Hub has become the go-to platform for information, ideas and connections to others on anti-corruption Collective Action.
New look, better features
Visit the all-new website to
Why Thai SMEs are seeking anti-corruption certification through Collective Action
Multinational companies are no strangers to problems of corruption in their supply chains, which can bring significant legal, financial and reputational risks. Especially when entering new markets, many companies find it difficult to identify credible local partners and to assess their adherence to anti-corruption regulations.
Anti-corruption Collective Action can be a means of bridging this gap and facilitating market access for both multinational companies and local suppliers or partners. So
Six organisations from around the world to take part in our new Collective Action Mentoring Programme
As part of ongoing efforts to support Collective Action initiatives aimed at addressing corruption in particular markets and regions, the Basel Institute launched a Mentoring Programme in January 2022.
Following a comprehensive selection process, we are pleased to announce that six organisations have been selected as mentees in this first c
Collective Action in banking: The Wolfsberg Group’s role in a fast-evolving industry
The Wolfsberg Group – an association of 13 global banks that develops frameworks and guidance to manage financial crime risks – became an independent legal entity in October 2021. Its new home is at the Basel Institute on Governance headquarters in Switzerland.
We are proud to host what continues to be a ground-breaking Collective Action against financial crime. Our rol
Is Collective Action against corruption a competition risk for companies?
By Gemma Aiolfi, Head of Compliance, Corporate Governance and Collective Action at the Basel Institute on Governance, and Cecilia Müller Torbrand, CEO, Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
Our joint chapter in a new book on Perspectives on Antitrust Compliance answers a common question that arises when compliance officers and company lawyers first hear about anti-corruption Collective Action: are there antitrust risks in engaging with o
How a participatory approach helped the NRGI to develop effective anti-corruption guidance for oil, gas and mining sectors
The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) has launched tailored guidance on measures that companies in the oil, gas and mining sectors can adopt to reduce corruption risks when partnering with state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
Published on a user-friendly website, Anticorruption Guidance for Partners of State-Owned Enterprises also recommends measures SOEs can take to strengthen their own anti-corruption safeguards. The guidance was [la
Four major developments in the fight against corruption through Collective Action
What are the four biggest developments in anti-corruption Collective Action in the last years? And what are some examples of these around the world? _Gemma Aiolfi spoke on these topics to delegates at a Members Meeting of Etik ve İtibar Derneği (TEİD) – the Turkish Ethics and Reputation Society. TEİD is an inspiring cross-sectoral Collective Action initiative that has been working tirelessly since 2010 to promote business ethics in Turk
New Helpdesk on anti-corruption Collective Action to promote fair business
The Basel Institute has launched a Collective Action Helpdesk, a free advice service on Collective Action approaches to fight corruption and promote fair business. Through the Helpdesk, our team provides free, practical and independent advice on how to work collaboratively across stakeholder groups to address shared corruption challenges and promote fair and responsible business.
Free and open to all
The He
Basel Institute to serve as Co-Chair and Network Partner of B20 Indonesia Integrity and Compliance Task Force
We are delighted to have been invited to participate in the B20 Indonesia Integrity and Compliance Task Force as Network Partner and Co-Chair.
Gemma Aiolfi, Head of Compliance and Collective Action, will serve as Co-Chair together with Deputy Co-Chair Scarlet Wannenwetsch, Collective Action Specialist in our Collective Action team. They join other leading voices in the international integrit
Stepping up global action for business integrity – takeaways from a CoSP 9 side event
Key takeaways and perspectives on how to “step up global action for business integrity” from the 9th Conference of the States Parties (CoSP 9) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in collaboration with Siemens AG, organised a side event at this year’s Conference of the States Par
New Policy Brief on how Collective Action initiatives can benefit from studying informal corrupt networks
What can we learn from studying corrupt informal networks linking the public and private sectors? A lot – including how to build stronger multi-stakeholder partnerships against corruption through Collective Action.
Our latest Policy Brief draws on the Basel Institute's recent research in East Africa into ho
Siemens and the European Investment Bank: Fostering integrity through Collective Action and constructive settlements
A guest blog by Bernard O’Donnell, Head of Fraud Investigations at the European Investment Bank (EIB), and Sabine Zindera, Vice President, Legal and Compliance at Siemens AG and head of the Siemens Integrity Initiative.
When companies are sanctioned for wrongdoing, is there a way to turn the punitive sanction into a positive force – not only for those wronged, but for wider busi
OECD recommends anti-corruption Collective Action in its revised Anti-Bribery Recommendation
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) has recommended the use of Collective Action to address corruption in its long-anticipated revised Recommendation of the Council for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions ("2021 Anti-Bribery Recommendation").
This is a positive step in efforts to bring together the public and private sectors, civil society and othe
New Collective Action mentoring programme for organisations working with the private sector on corruption issues
Our Collective Action team has launched a Mentoring Programme to support civil society / non-profit organisations that work with the private sector and other stakeholders on tackling corruption.
Through the Mentoring Programme, eligible organisations can gain tailored advice, support and technical assistance from our team's experts in anti-corruption compliance and Collective Action – all for free. Our aim is to support organisa
Metals Technology Initiative publishes compliance and due diligence guidance on new website
The Metals Technology Initiative (MTI), an anti-corruption Collective Action initiative of four leading firms in the metals technology industry, has launched a website to make its guidance on Gifts and Hospitality and on Third-Party Due Diligence freely accessible to all.
MTI is an anti-corruption and fai
Connecting the anti-corruption and human rights agendas: challenges and opportunities for Collective Action
In 2020, the Basel Institute on Governance with the support of the Siemens Integrity Initiative launched a series of roundtable discussions that brought companies together to analyse the potential nexus between corporate efforts to protect human rights and prevent corruption.
While bribery has been a prohibited practice under the laws of a majority of countries for over 20 years, and in many places corporate criminal liability for corruption has also been introduced, the corporate responsibili
How Collective Action can help improve business integrity in South East Europe
A guest blog by Elisabeth Danon, Legal Analyst, OECD Anti-Corruption Division.
How can governments in South East Europe partner with the vibrant business sector and civil society to help combat corruption?
OECD experts and practitioners shared some novel ideas on this question at a two-day webinar on Collective Action – Building Alliances Against Corruption in South East Europe on 16 and 17 September.
The event convened the Collective Action community in South East Europe to take stock o
B20-G20 dialogue: G20 Member States need a multi-stakeholder approach to integrity in procurement
Speaking at a B20-G20 dialogue on 13 September, the Basel Institute’s Managing Director Gretta Fenner called on G20 Member States to commit to and support the implementation of a multi-stakeholder approach to promoting integrity in procurement.
In concrete terms, she said, this means adopting proven Collective Action tools such as [Int
Promoting anti-corruption through the B20 process – new online resource
The Presidency of the G20 rotates each year between member countries, as does the leadership of the B20 – the G20’s voice of business.
The key issue of tackling corruption is picked up almost every year, but not always in the same way or using the same format. This can make it challenging to find historical information including past anti-corruption commitments and related recommendations.
With this in mind, the B20 Collective Action Hub has just launched a new information resource on the [B
Collective Action to strengthen integrity in healthcare? Americas Health Ethics Virtual Forum, 17-18 August
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought issues of ethics and business integrity in the healthcare sector into the public spotlight. Citizens everywhere are demanding well-governed, transparent healthcare systems and industries – not only to address the health consequences of the pandemic but as a backbone of resilient and sustainable economic growth.
Health outcomes are better when government, industry, and civil society work together well. The fast development and roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines, as
Developing an ethics and compliance programme for Moscow City Transport organisations and beyond
A new sector-wide integrity programme seeks to transform and harmonise standards of ethics and compliance across all Moscow City Transport organisations.
Alexandr Rusetskiy, a Deputy General Director in the Moscow Directorate of Transport Services, together with Ilsur Akhmetshin of the Compliance-Elements partnership, explain the motivation, approach and challenges in this effort to bring state-of-the-art anti-corruption practices to the sector and beyond.
Briefly, what is the Sectora
Siemens Integrity Initiative funds Basel Institute for “Golden Stretch” in promoting anti-corruption Collective Action
The Siemens Integrity Initiative is boosting the Basel Institute’s capacity to promote anti-corruption Collective Action with an additional USD 3.5 million in funding under its “Golden Stretch” round.
This funding complements an existing USD 2.86 million project of our Collective Action team under the Siemens Integrity Initiative, with both
New four-part series spotlights green corruption risks and what to do about them
How do illegal wildlife products, live animals, exotic marine species and illegally logged timber end up in stores, zoos, aquariums and homes on the other side of the world?
Too easily, is the answer. Weaknesses in global supply chains make them vulnerable to exploitation by organised crime groups and bad actors working in legitimate businesses. Corruption opens the door to that exploitation. And the easy possibilities for laundering money from environmental crimes makes this illicit activity
New partnership to support anti-corruption compliance certification through Collective Action in Thailand
The Basel Institute on Governance and the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), in conjunction with the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (Thai CAC), have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly support the promotion of anti-corruption compliance.
The agreement covers the launch of a pilot project that aims to encourage the local certification of anti-corruption compliance programmes in SMEs, while alle
Gretta Fenner's address at the UNGASS 2021 plenary session
The following statement by the Basel Institute's Managing Director, Gretta Fenner, was aired at the Special Session of the UN General Assembly against Corruption on 4 June 2021. Watch the video here.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you for the opportunity to deliver a short statement on behalf of the Basel Institute on Governance.
We welcome the political declaration as a text that provides useful guidance. In particular, we welcome those parts o
Anti-corruption Collective Action works: Swiss Ambassador's opening remarks at UNGASS 2021 side event
_H.E. Ambassador Stefan Estermann, Head of the Prosperity and Sustainability Division, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, made the following opening remarks at our joint virtual side event on Collective Action at the 2021 Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption (UNGASS) on 2 June. View the full [recording of the side event](https://yout
UNGASS side event, 2 June – Collective Action: Building efficient public-private partnerships
On Wednesday, 2 June, we are honoured to be co-hosting a virtual side event at the 2021 Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption (UNGASS) in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
Register here for the 60-minute session at 19:00 CET/13:00 EST: Collective Action: Building Efficient Public-Private Partnerships.
About the event
Why does the draft UNGASS Political Decl
Engage, network, learn: how Collective Action turns ethical dilemmas into practical solutions
Our Collective Action team asked the London-based Institute of Business Ethics how it makes its research so practical and useful to decision-makers on the ground. Head of Research, Guen Dondé, explains:
Since its foundation in 1986, the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) has always strived to be a safe space for organisations of all kinds to join forces and tackle the ethical issues they are facing.
Today, more tha
What would you do? Alliance for Integrity Global Campaign launches with thought-provoking video
The Basel Institute on Governance has joined forces with the Alliance for Integrity and more than 60 partners from 12 countries to raise awareness of the importance of business integrity – and the challenges it can present to individuals, their families, business partners and society.
The Alliance for Integrity is a global business-driven, multi-stakeholder initiative seeking to promote transparency and integrity in the economic system. Its global #Unit
Business Ombudsman institutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: taking stock and identifying good practices
A guest blog by Olga Savran, Manager of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Elisabeth Danon, Legal Analyst, OECD Anti-Corruption Division.
_This guest blog post explains a new initiative by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Business Ombudsman Council of Ukraine to evaluate regional Business Ombudsman institutions and provide a platform to exchange experiences.
Welcoming the OECD’s new FAQs on corruption risks in mineral supply chains
Our partners at the OECD have just published a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help companies involved in minerals sectors better address bribery and corruption risks throughout their supply chain.
Find it here: FAQ: How to address bribery and corruption risks in mineral supply chains
The FAQs complement the user-friendly and interactive online version of the gold-standa
What is an Ethically Aware Supplier – and how does it support business integrity in Africa?
Local certification is emerging as an interesting way for large companies and their supply chains to help address compliance and due diligence issues that can be a barrier to business. A recent Basel Institute working paper showed how local certification programmes developed with a Collective Action approach can help:
- _SMEs to develop and demonstrate robust anti-corruption compliance pr
Basel Institute joins Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime
The Basel Institute on Governance is delighted to join the Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime (GCFFC) in support of its core mission to make the fight against financial crime more effective.
Together with her senior leadership team, Basel Institute Managing Director Gretta Fenner will chair the Coalition's new Anti-Corruption Expert Working Group. Founded in 2018, the Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime brings together 20 organisations from the public sec
UN Global Compact endorses Collective Action for sustainable and responsible business
Collective Action is at the heart of the new Strategy 2021–23 of the United Nations Global Compact, an ambitious corporate sustainability initiative that supports companies around the world in achieving sustainable and responsible business operations throughout their supply chains.
The UN Global Compact’s 10th Principle on Anti-Corruption has long [recommended Collective Action](ht
CoST Uganda: a Collective Action approach to integrity in infrastructure procurement
An interview with Gilbert Sendugwa, Senior Regional Manager Africa of the Uganda chapter of CoST – the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative. He gives an insight into a recent UK Business Integrity Initiative-funded project on “Promoting fair business practices between the government and the private sector".
Can you tell us about the problem you are working to solve?
Yes: corruption in infrastructure procurement in Uganda. It undermines our cou
Basel Institute to support B20 Italy Integrity and Compliance Task Force as Network Partner
We are delighted to have been selected by the B20 Italy 2021 Integrity and Compliance Task Force as a Network Partner.
This will enable us to bring to the table our many years of expertise in anti-corruption Collective Action and other novel approaches to private-sector integrity and compliance.
As a global go-to centre on anti-corruption Collective Action, the Basel Institute he
New Working Paper: Local certification through Collective Action
How can local certification of small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) help to alleviate anti-corruption due diligence for SMEs as well as multinational corporations (MNC) seeking to work with them?
A new Working Paper by the Basel Institute's Collective Action team attempts to answer that question, which is of real practical relevance to businesses around the world. The paper offers six clear recommendations to practitioners based on discussions and analysis of current local certification init
OECD blog: new report on responsible business and anti-corruption compliance in Southeast Asia
An illuminating new report by our OECD partners on Responsible Business Conduct and Anti-Corruption Compliance in Southeast Asia illustrates three points we have long emphasised at the Basel Institute.
- First, how corruption, environmental, human rights and other elements of sustainable and responsible business conduct are increasingly being integrated within company-wide risk m
Basel Gold Day: 4 golden opportunities to collectively raise standards in gold supply chains
Gold industry experts from across the private and non-profit sectors came together at Basel Gold Day on 9 October 2020 to explore perspectives on the challenges of ensuring responsible and sustainable gold supply chains.
The event was organised by Professor Mark Pieth, President of the Basel Institute on Governance and author of the book [Gold Laundering](
How service delivery charters in Ghana are creating dialogue between citizens, businesses and government
This case study and Q&A looks at a recent UK Business Integrity Initiative-funded project in Ghana to create and implement 10 service delivery charters for government licensing and approval authorities through a Collective Action approach.
The project was carried out by the Ghana Integrity Initiative, which is the local chapter of Transparency International, in collaboration with the Private Enterprise Federation.
What is
Gabriel Cifuentes on the High Level Reporting Mechanism: "Not a vaccine against corruption, but a very useful tool for clean procurement"
In this short video, Gabriel Cifuentes, former Secretary of Transparency in the Office of the President in Colombia, talks about his experience in implementing the second High Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM) to ensure a clean procurement process for the construction of the Bogotá Metro.
Developed by the Basel Institute on Governance, OECD and Transparency International, the HLRM is a preventive tool that acts as an early warning system in connection with potential corruption. Acting as a comp